Highlighting farmworker health findings at this year’s American Public Health Association’s annual meeting
The RESPIRAR Project attended the 2024 APHA Annual Meeting, sharing insights on farmworker health, racial capitalism, and structural barriers. Highlights included Devon Payne-Sturges' keynote on systems thinking, groundbreaking research on COVID-19 interventions, and engaging discussions on public health ethics.

RESPIRAR research assistant reflects on her work with migrant & seasonal farmworkers over the summer
Divya Aikat reflects on her experience as a research assistant working with farmworkers over the summer.

RESPIRAR’s Devon Payne-Sturges earns top environmental health honor
Devon Payne-Sturges, co-director of the RESPIRAR Project, has won the 2024 Homer Calver Award, a prestigious honor recognizing nationally renowned environmental health experts.

The RESPIRAR Project is represented at IAPHS 2024 annual conference
The RESPIRAR Project was highlighted at this year’s Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science conference, held in St. Louis, Missouri, from Sept. 11 – 13, 2024.

RESPIRAR data analysis reveals poor indoor air quality spikes in farmworker housing during Canada’s 2023 wildfire
Our data analysis reveals new insights on indoor air quality and farmworker safety during last summer's Canadian wildfire. The findings underscore the severity and far-reaching effects of wildfire smoke — especially when compounded by a preexisting poor baseline of indoor air quality.

RESPIRAR community advisor files motion to protect Farmworker Protection Rule
RESPIRAR community advisor announces efforts to intervene on a lawsuit filed against the U.S. Department of Labor to stop the new Farmworker Protection Rule from going into effect

Supreme Court overturns Chevron doctrine: a potential threat to worker safety and federal authority
The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Chevron doctrine has raised questions about the future of federal regulatory authority and worker safety.

Project highlights from the 2023 harvest season now available
RESPIRAR is grateful to all our participants and is pleased to share some highlights from 2023.

Space to breathe: a guest opinion letter in The Washington Post
The RESPIRAR team submitted a guest opinion letter to The Washington Post in response to Anthony S. Fauci’s recent appearance before Congress and The Post’s coverage.

The 2024 outreach season is underway
The RESPIRAR outreach team begins working with the farmworker community throughout the Eastern Shore to engage with the study.