Fields of Change: a digital story map unearthing the history of Maryland’s agricultural labor camps

As we close out National Farmworker Awareness Week, it is important to reflect on how the past is present so we can imagine a better future. The RESPIRAR project team is pleased to share our new digital story map, Fields of Change, outlining the history of one infamous farm labor camp in Maryland.

The story map was developed by graduate students Haley Mullen and Rebecca Patterson, MPH.

About Fields of Change

Understanding the past provides clues for changing the present and future. This digital story explores the history of agriculture labor camps on Maryalnd’s Eastern Shore with the purpose of understanding how this history has led to cycles of improvement and condemnation over the living conditions of migrant and seasonal farmworkers.

We start with a focus on Westover labor camp, one of Maryland's largest migrant labor camps.


RESPIRAR project featured in UMD’s EnTERPrise Magazine


Farmworker awareness week: donate supplies Supporting farmworkers in Maryland this harvest season