The COVID-19 pandemic is not over. Sign up for weekly tests to ensure a safe season for all.

Your participation makes a difference.

Participation is voluntary. You can withdraw at any time.

You may find out if you get infected sooner than you would otherwise!

Our test results are ready in less than 24 hours.

To participate, you must be:

  • Answer some questions about your health

  • Provide a weekly nasal swab for a COVID-19 test

  • Tell us your COVID-19 symptoms

  • Learn about keeping indoor air healthy for you and your housemates

  • Earn up to $100 for participating

To be eligible, you must be:

  • 18 years and older

  • Currently employed as a farmworker

  • Migrating for employment

  • A resident in migrant labor housing or at a migrant labor camp in Maryland.

Ready to join? Questions? Let us know!